A warm welcome from Wellington Woods Civic League!

Our mission is to have a unified voice that protects and enhances the value and living enjoyment of our neighborhood…and of course, fun times to make a strong neighborhood

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For WWCL Dues information..click here

2024 Fall Newsletterread more

2023 Spring Newsletter (April)…read more

2023 President’s note…read more

2022 Spring Newsletter (May)read more

Past EVENT HIGHLIGHTS…….note for upcoming events see EVENTS page on this site

May 31st…Driveway Social Kick-Off.  Locations Earl of Chatham Cul-de-sac 6:30-8:30 pm.  Food, games and fun.  Over 70 neighbors came out and enjoyed.  Special thanks to all!!

WWCL Meet and Learn, Fisher’s Neighborhood Kitchen, March 6th from 6:30-7:30.  Thanks to the 30 residents that came out to help shape our goals for 2024

May 2023…A special thanks to neighbors at Earl of Chatham Court for starting the 2023 driveway season.  Over 50 neighbors came out and enjoyed.

October 2022 Fall Festival…A special thanks to Dee & Greg Whitley and all the neighbors of Lord Seaton Circle for making this event a huge success.  Over 75 neighbors came out and celebrated great times

Friday, July 15th from 6:00-8:30…Location 832 N. Plantation Drive.  A special thanks for Erica Fox hosting.  Nearly 70 neighbors came out and had great times with water slides and corn hole.

Friday, June 10, 2022 at Earl of Chatham Lane Cul-de-Sac Thanks to  Food Truck, DC Smoothies and Fresh Eats for serving up some great food. A lot of neighbors came out and enjoyed.  Special thanks to all neighbors at the cul-de-sac for participating.

2022 Kickoff Driveway social..,May 20th: 2213 Earl of Essex Drive …a special thanks to Mark Burgman for hosting.  Great times fun from about 50 neighbors that were able to come out.  Thanks again Mark for hosting.

WWCL ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL:  Saturday October 26th 1-4pm.
This was by far our largest event each year.   A special thanks to the Rohmann Family at 933 North Plantation Dr and Avery Tuell at 973 Earl of Essex Arch for hosting.  Approximately 75 neighbors and children showed for a great time.
Kids games, pony rides, a bounce house,  hot dogs, chili cook-off , kid games, band along with oysters made for a great time.
Past Driveway Socials:

Friday July 19th, 6:30-9:30ish…..location 936 Earl of Essex Arch, The Reed family hosted.  Thanks to all that came out and enjoyed.

Friday June 21st 6:30-9pm….2200 Earl of Essex Drive (aka as the dead end Earl of Essex)  This is social was hosted by Vicki and Dean Nohe.  A special thanks to the 40+ that came out and enjoyed.

Driveway Socials Kick-Off
Friday, May 10 th at
6pm at The Brannock residence 920 Earl of Chatham Lane.  Thanks to over 60 neighbors that came out and celebrated the Kickoff to Driveway socials.

Community Median Clean-up make up date to be determined in June
Join your neighbors in the median to help with light pole painting,
planting and trimming. Let’s make our
entrances beautiful together.
Below are highlights from past event along with photos.

Fall Festival October 27, 2018
All enjoyed a Chili Cook-off contest, hot dogs, bounce house, face painting, hands-on art provided Art Studio on the Boulevard,  kid games with prizes and more.  A special thanks to over 70 neighbors and friend that attended.
A special thanks to Dan Schatti for providing the bounce house enjoyment and to the Art Studio on the Boulevard for the creative art interactions and to the entire WWCL team that made this a great event to end 2018.
Community Yard Sale, Sept 22nd 8am-noon…all neighbors are encouraged to have a yard sale as it will be marketed as a community yard sale.

August 25th, Saturday Driveway Social…813 Lord Leighton Court, 6:30-8:30pm.  A special thanks to Katie and Dan Schatti for hosting this social.  This was a Saturday social and attendance was great!

July 20th, Friday Driveway Social…2213 Earl Of Essex Drive, 6:30-8:30pm.  A special thanks to Mark Burgman for hosting this social. Another great social!

June 1st, Friday Driveway Social….936 Earl of Essex Arch, 6-8pm.  A special thanks to the Reed Family for hosting this social. Another great social!

April 20th Our KICKOFF Driveway Social….909 Earl of Chatham Lane at 6pm-8pm
Thanks to Alicia Shepard for hosting this social.  Another great social!



Fall Fest 2016...Great Times Great Neighbors!
Fall Fest 2016…Great Times Great Neighbors!

Membership is based upon resident dues which are used as our primary funding to maintain common grounds, civic league expenses, electricity for entrance lighting’s and general fund for capital improvements. To process your payment online use the paypal button below.

Scholarship Fund Donations